Lock the groundskeeper out of the garden.Make the groundskeeper hammer his thumb: after doing these tasks the gardener will be fed up with you and put a no geese sign, simply honk while he’s hammering the sign if he has already placed the sign, simply displace it to make the groundskeeper fix it.Have a picnic: sandwitch, apple and basket can be found by the bench by the river radio is on the bags next to the entrance of the garden pumpkin and carrot are in the garden jam and thermos are on a table by the shed.Rake in the lake: the rake is to the right of the shed, bring it south and into the river without letting the gardener see you.

Make the groundskeeper wear his sun hat: displace the red tulip in the middle of the garden, the gardener will bend over to put it back in place and give you the opportunity to steal and run away with his hat, use the secret hole through the hedge left of the lettuce to make your escape, once he can’t find his hat, he’ll put the sun hat on.Steal the groundskeeper’s keys: grab his keys from his waist and hold them for a couple of seconds, more easily stolen when he’s busy bending over.Get the groundskeeper wet: can be done two different ways: turn on the tap while the gardener is next to the hose or grab something in order to get him to chase you into the river south.Get into the garden: turn the tap on the brick wall on to make the gardener exit the garden and open the gate for you.You can hit the Reset panel in the pause menu any time to attempt the timed challenge of the area you’re currently in. Should be done after you’ve finished the game. Timed challenges in the to do (quickly!!) list: require you to complete the entire to-do list of each area under 7 minutes before the church bells rings.Secret tasks in the secret to do (as well) lists: those are hidden achievements and the undone tasks won’t be visible until you’ve beaten the game although you can do them as soon as you’ve unlocked their respective area.