It would appear that the supplemental Battleship (which WILL neut you by the way) spawns in nearly every one of these sites in Low Sec. Lucky for those of us living in Low Sec, CCP “juiced” these events in Low Sec over other areas of space this go round. Tethering for reps, man, Nanite Paste is really only needed for Null and J space anymore You want an Alpha Predator here, something along the lines of a Machariel, Nightmare or Sleipnir and where possible, check the kill boards of the folks running the site alongside you. This may dissuade waffling, weak-kneed thieves from looting from your wreck, but it’s also your best defense against a “scoop and scoot”. It’s probably Best Practices to lock the other pilots up when the final wave of the site in room 2 lands on grid. There’s no sense in getting in a rush to get to the wreck as you want to allow some dimwit the time to go suspect in front of you. You probably want to use guns of some sort here since you can hold your volley until the Blood Raider Battlecruiser is just about to melt if you happen to be competing against another pilot. This is for those folks who’re really most interested in winning the contested sites and blapping those idiots that don’t realize you’re actually fit for PVP. Suddenly Content! It felt like 2010 New Eden all over again and soon enough, the lads joined in with all sorts of glorious explosions, scams, and carnage in the following days.Īfter several hours of brainstorming, we came to the conclusion that there were a number of different ways you could hunt prey during this Live Event, and most likely, similar iterations that we will see in the future: A scant few moments later she was pointed and webbed while I began pouring RF EMP ammo into her hull.
Eve online blood raider gauntlet skin#
The very first one I jumped into, there were 3 other people already there, but my T2 800 Autocannons blapped the Loot-Bearing Battlecruiser and to my surprise, Niki Kalarie decided that the Caracal Headhunter skin was too tempting to ignore. So after a quick trip to Jita, I fitted out a #Povertyfit Mach, and went derping around looking for a Blood Harvest Gauntlet Beacon. Just the excuse I was looking for to nudge me into buying my own PVP Mach! And yes, of course I’m styling with the new Angel Hex skin… image courtesy of reddit user Funzinnu One look at his kill board confirmed this assertion. I don’t think that it ever happened on stream, but the pilot assured the viewers that it was happening frequently. A bit later, one of his viewers started following him around in a Machariel in the hopes that someone might go suspect on one of Johnny’s own sites. Poor Johnny got stream-sniped by a couple of miscreants after scooping the loot from one of the High Sec sites. Like many of you, I was elated to find out that everyone’s favorite explorer Johnny Pew was now streaming (give him a follow HERE) and running the new Blood Raider sites. I was bored with grading (I teach online classes so, I often play EVE while working) and flipped over to Twitch. Just a harmless PVE site runner sportin’ the dank new Angel Hex skin…